What are Vulnerable Themes?

What is a Vulnerable Theme?

A theme is considered vulnerable if a bug or other issues are found that is causing the theme to be prone to exploitation. In other words it is liable to get hacked and your data may be insecure, however, no such action has happened yet.

What Should I Do If I Have a Vulnerable Theme?

If WatchTowerHQ lets you know that a theme is vulnerable, check the Theme tab for the corresponding website and make sure that the theme has been fully updated. If the theme is up to date, then you may need to upgrade the licensing. Make sure that your theme is the newest version and that version is secured.

Otherwise, the theme may have been abandoned by its developer. This means that you would need to uninstall the current theme and install a different one.

Note: Sometimes a theme is fully updated, but a newer version may exist that does not have the vulnerability. When this is the case, you will need to upgrade your theme's licensing to the newest version.

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