How to Set Up Google Analytics 4 Integration

In the early days you would have to go through Google Cloud, get a JSON key, yada, yada yada...Today setting up Google Analytics is easy!

Setting up a GA4 Integration

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Choose Google Analytics
  3. Click on the Blue "+" on the right
  4. Click on "Add Integration" (the white box at the bottom of the drop down)
  5. You will be taken to Google SSO.
  6. Choose the Google Account that's associated with the Google Analytics 4 account that you want to pull in and voila, you're good to go.

Assigning a GA4 Account to a Website

  1. Click into any website
  2. Go to the 'Edit Details' screen
  3. Select 'Website' from the dropdown

  1. You will see Google Analytics; toggle this on
  2. Then you will be asked to select an account
  3. And finally you will be asked to select the associated property
  4. Click 'Save Changes' and you are good to go! You should see data flowing into the 'Analytics' tab shortly.

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